Autism and ADHD
(Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder)

The research literature indicates that around fifty to seventy percent of individual’s diagnosed with ASD have co-morbid diagnoses of either ADD or ADHD. Therefore it is of paramount importance that we be able to see both the overlap between these two conditions as well as the differences between them.

Diagnoses of both conditions can be a complex and challenging prospect due to the similarities in symptomatology across both ASD and ADHD.

ADD/ADHD is manifest in three different clinical presentations

🗸 ADHD- predominantly inattentive subtype
🗸 ADHD- predominantly hyperactive/impulsive subtype
🗸 ADHD- combined presentation

The symptoms must be present in two or more setting and cause clinically significant impairment in
those setting

In this brief newsletter I will outline some of the differences and between the two conditions;

Autistic Brain 

🧩 Strong desire/need for routine and or predictability

🧩 Tends to remain in there social relationships for far longer

🧩 Inclined to hyperfocus

🧩 Sensory sensitivity or under sensitivity

🧩 Differences in social reciprocity and communication due to differences understanding and decoding neurotypical communication


ADD/ ADHD Brain 

🧠 Craves new or novel experiences. Gets bored easily

🧠 Tends to end relationships abruptly or prematurely due to lack of stimulation/excitement

🧠 Difficulties maintaining focus particularly if the task is considered subjectively boring

🧠 An absence of sensory issues

🧠 Can communicate and socialize within conventional neurotypical norms but may miss subtle non verbal cues due to a lack of sustaining attention on body language at times.


It is critical that you seek the guidance and assistance of a qualified and specialist mental health professional in order to assist you in the process of obtaining the correct diagnoses.

Obtaining a clear diagnoses can allow for the development of an appropriate therapeutic treatment plan that meets your unique needs in an individualized manner

Please contact us at the Spectrum Centre for assistance with your diagnosis


By: Kevin Naidu; Clinical Psychologist (South Africa)