Autism and Level’s of Severity
Autistic spectrum disorder is a Neurodevelopment disorder which presents in a variety of ways.
There are distinct levels of severity present within the Autism. Therefore if you are diagnosed it is
vital for you to have an understanding that an Autistic Spectrum condition ranging in severity from Level 1 to Level 3.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) allows the clinician to assess based on their subjective experience in a clinical interview the level of functioning which can be assigned to a an individual who is diagnosed with Autism.
Having an understanding of your specific level of functioning can be vital to you deciding on the appropriate course of action which you may require therapeutically following your diagnosis.
I will describe the three levels of functioning below with specific reference to what each level of functioning means and the possible therapeutic interventions which could be considers helpful at each level.
Level 1-Requires support
Individuals in this category require the least environmental accommodation’s. They may engage in high levels of camouflaging / masking in order to fit in resulting in autistic burnout at times. They may struggle to engage in communicating effectively with neurotypical people. They also have trouble at times engaging in a to and for conversation and difficulties in accurately assessing more subtle forms of non-verbal behaviour. Difficulties in planning and organisation may also be present
- Specialized Neurodiversity affirming individual therapy to assist with distress tolerance skills
- Support groups to provide a sense of belonging and emotional support from autistic peers
Level 2-Requires significant support
Individuals in this category require substantial support. Their social interactions are limited to specifically defined interests. They may present with frequent repetitive behaviours which may at times impede there social, academic or occupational functioning
- Referral to an Occupational Therapist for a functional capacity assessment may be warranted to determine the persons specific limitations in terms of the different areas of there executive functioning and to develop a therapeutic program to build independent living skillsÂ
- Specialized Neurodiversity affirming individual therapy to assist with distress tolerance skills
Level 3-Requires very significant support
Individuals in this category require the most environmental supports. There degree of masking may be minimal or completely absent. Difficulties with social communication and repetitive behaviour may severely limit their ability to interact socially, complete daily tasks or function within a work environment.
- Placement in a suitable residential care facility may be required in very severe cases where the individuals support needs requires consistent and specialized careÂ
- The use of medication may be necessary in some cases to address mental health issues such as depression or severe forms of anxiety
Please remember that every Autistic person is different and unique and as such there specific needs and preferences should be assessed by a qualified mental health care professional with suitable experience in Autism before any particular therapeutic program is adopted.
By: Kevin Naidu; Clinical Psychologist (South Africa)